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A new conference paper from EUREKA explains the process of creating a sustainable data model for the EU FarmBook – a knowledge database that gathers…
The Danish outdoor sow herds are efficient systems with low antibiotic usages and an important brand for Danish organic agriculture, but high risk of…
The members of ICROFS’ new board are appointed. The main purpose of ICROFS is to strengthen the Danish organic sector through application-oriented…
Together with GUDP, ICROFS invites applications for funding of projects, which carry out research and development and/or demonstration in relation to…
ICROFS has received 20 strong Organic RDD 7 applications. Eight projects have now been selected.
As the name suggests, red mark syndrome (RMS) is a disease that causes red wound-like marks on farmed rainbow trout. The disease does not kill the…
“Eat your peas” is not just sternly yelled at picky children. A lot of good reasons to eat legumes exist. Slowly, the grain legumes get more and more…
Leanne Peixoto will this summer graduate as a Ph.D. from Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, where she worked on the Deep Frontier project,…
As part of her Ph.D.-studies at Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences at University of Copenhagen, Guanying Chen has studied deep root and water-…
EURAKNOS, marks a key milestone: publication of the EURAKNOS Explorer’s Guide to Thematic Networks. This manual offers advice on how to design and…
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