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A leaked work programme for the European Commission, accordingly to the international organic agricultural movement IFOAM EU, showed, that the rather…
With a brand new Research Programme for Organic Food and Farming, Finland has charted the course for organic research in the years to follow.
While the consumers in Denmark and Sweden find all basic milk products in an organic variant, consumers in Norway, Finland and Iceland must look a bit…
One hundred percent organic farming would be a disaster for future food security and pressure the environment at a high cost.
How do we make organic mean sustainability? How can we disseminate organic research in a useful and understandable way? And what kind of developments…
New methods can detect whether or not a plant is organically grown. The methods have been developed by the research project AuthenticFood within the…
Eleven European research projects have been awarded 11.3 mio. euro for research in organig farming and food systems. The projects were selected at a…
Spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria is a major food safety concern, but reports suggest that the restrictions in use of antibiotics in organic…
Head of Organic Unit at Landbrug og Fødevarer, Kirsten Lund Jensen, has been appointed chairwoman of the Programme Committee of ICROFS. She will…
Which type of mulching can at the same time reduce the farmers’ need for weeding and help providing sufficient yields of marketable bell peppers and…
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