ICROFS’ new board is now in place
The members of ICROFS’ new board are appointed. The main purpose of ICROFS is to strengthen the Danish organic sector through application-oriented research of high quality.

Rasmus Prehn, Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, has appointed the members of the new board of ICROFS (International Center for Research in Organic Farming and Food Systems) for the period 2022 - 2025.
The board consists of 13 members, appointed by the Minister. The chairperson is appointed without prior recommendation. The remaining 12 members are selected after prior recommendations from institutions and organizations in the organic sector.
New research strategy
One of the first tasks for the new board will be to set the direction with a new research and development strategy within organic farming and food systems.
"A strong team has been appointed, and with the new board members we are highly capable to contribute to the further development of the Danish organic sector as well as the government's strategy for organic farming and food systems," says Jørn Jespersen, Chairman of the board.
The new board is appointed by the Minister based on recommendations from:
- Organic Denmark
- The Danish Agriculture & Food Council
- The Association for Biodynamic Agriculture
- The Innovation Centre for Organic Farming
- The Confederation of Danish Industry
- The Danish Consumer Council
- Independent Research Fund Denmark
- Aarhus University
- Copenhagen University
- DTU - Technical University of Denmark