Organic RDD 8: DKK 50 mio. for Research, Development and Demonstration projects in 2022
Together with GUDP, ICROFS invites applications for funding of projects, which carry out research and development and/or demonstration in relation to business-oriented innovation within the Danish organic food sector.

The funds available for Organic RDD 8 have been made available to the GUDP as part of the political agreement on the allocation of the research reserve funds for 2025. The funds are earmarked for organic farming and food systems and are implemented in a collaboration between GUDP and ICROFS (International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems).
Deadline for applications is Tuesday 3 May 2022 at 12.00
The material can also be found on the website of GUDP
Success criteria for the Organic RDD 8 projects
ICROFS’ Research and Development Strategy aims for practice-oriented solutions and research, which is carried out in close collaboration between farmers and other primary producers, companies, authorities, consumers and research environments in order to develop research-based, innovative and competitive solutions and document these in relation to consumers and society.
This is reflected in the following four key success criteria to be promoted in the research projects:
• SUSTAINABILITY – the projects must contribute to sustainable production systems that protect the climate and the environment, be based on recycling and sustainable use of resources, and support a high degree of biodiversity, animal welfare and health for soil, plants, animals and humans
• INNOVATION – the projects must contribute to innovative production systems that meet consumer and community demands for organic products
• GROWTH – the projects must contribute to productive and efficient production systems that support continued sustainable growth in organic production
• CREDIBILITY – the projects must contribute to the credibility of organic farming and food systems in relation to the basic principles and the contribution to public goods such as protection of climate, environment and drinking water, as well as a high degree of biodiversity and animal welfare.
The focus of Organic RDD 8
ICROFS’ Research and Development Strategy 2019-2021 addresses the central challenges and potentials of organic farming and food systems through six focus areas. The individual focus areas are described in detail in the strategy. For Organic RDD 8, you can apply within all six focus areas, however, in particular we welcome projects with a starting point in or integrating the focus areas:
with the challenges that the organic farmer and the organic companies face in relation to the other four focus areas:
Projects can address selected topics within one or several focus areas but should have a holistic approach and include the value chain and the users of the produced knowledge as well as the end-user (consumer) to the extent that it is relevant.
Information meetings and individual feedback
Information meetings are held by the ICROFS-secretariat in connection with the call. At the information meetings you will be able to hear more about how to fill in the application forms. A virtual information meeting has been planned on Tuesday 1 February 2022, and a physical meeting has been planned on Wednesday 9 February 2022 (at DTU).
You can also get individual feedback on your project idea by submitting a project outline of maximum two pages to the GUDP- and ICROFS-secretariats. You can find the template for the project outline here: Kan min idé blive til et Organic RDD projekt (in Danish).
The project outline must be sent via e-mail to with cc to The secretariat strives to have a maximum processing time of one week.
Line Daa Jørgensen, GUDP, 23 62 86 75,
Malene Jakobsen, ICROFS: 22 13 95 78