EURAKNOS releases its Explorer’s Guide to Thematic Networks
EURAKNOS, marks a key milestone: publication of the EURAKNOS Explorer’s Guide to Thematic Networks. This manual offers advice on how to design and implement Thematic Networks to maximise user engagement and impact, starting at the pre-funding phase running through project implementation to sustainability post-funding.

The content of the manual was co-created with thematic network representatives and agricultural society actors in Europe, including researchers, farmers, foresters, advisors, policy makers, NGOs, SMEs who participated in workshops both online and in-person. The Explorer’s Guide provides a support framework to learn from previous Thematic Networks to create higher impact. Throughout the booklet, there are good practice examples and explanations of key processes and recommendations.
Check out the summary video and click here to access the EURAKNOS Explorer’s Guide to Thematic Networks!
Currently available in English, translated versions will soon be made available.
EURAKNOS wants to reinforce the EU agricultural knowledge base by building the blueprint for a datasystem to enable the farming/rural community easier access to best practices from all EU H2020 Thematic Networks.
To realize this, EURAKNOS co-creates the thematic network to connect all 29 Thematic Networks to map the stored knowledge within each network and to design a common datasystem to make this knowledge better accessible, findable, interoperable and reusable for the agricultural innovation community in Europe.
Work on platform development is still ongoing and the preliminary work carried out in EURAKNOS is being built upon by EUREKA to develop a FarmBook. EURAKNOS’ latest podcast interviews the technical team to find out how this work has progressed over the course of the two projects – you can listen on Spotify or Youtube.