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The knowledge and research network BERAS International brings the climate impact of the food production into focus at the conference “Soils and the…
The international project ProGrOV has created a platform where researchers and organic movements in East Africa are sharing knowledge and experiences…
2015 is an important year in the fight against climate change and GMOs. The European institutions are reviewing certain parts of the GMO legislation…
Biogas is an important renewable energy vector with impressive growth and installation rates in the EU. However, production of biogas from organic…
A survey of the organic fresh produce chain in Nairobi concludes that perception to traceability, documentation, certification, training and…
One year ahead of the deadline for implementation of complete organic aquaculture life cycle - organic trout ova/fry is available from Danish…
Organic meat production has the potential to develop into a more trustworthy high-value production based on local resources and free-range animals.…
The global market for organic food has reached 72 billion US$, and 43 million hectares of agricultural land are certified as organic according to data…
TP Organics - a section under the European Technology Platform - has launched a new strategy for organic research and innovation. TP Organics…
In the framework of the project “Further Development of Methologies for Sustainability Assessment and Monitoring in Organic/Ecological Agriculture“,…
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