Become a member of IFOAM EU’s GMO Expert Group or Climate Change Task Force
2015 is an important year in the fight against climate change and GMOs. The European institutions are reviewing certain parts of the GMO legislation and are preparing the new climate and energy package for 2030. Therefore, IFOAM EU invites you to join the new IFOAM task force on climate change and/or expert groups on GMO’s.

Join the GMO Expert Group
The organic sector has been advocating towards the EU institutions for better regulations that strengthen its capacity to stay GM free but it is time to better articulate a common message and joint responses to the challenges Europe is facing regarding GMO issues. For this purpose, IFOAM EU opens a call to participate in a "GMO expert group" which main activities are to provide advice, input on advocacy strategy and prepare positions and opinions on different key issues related with GMOs.
Some of the urgent issues that the organic sector should address this year is the debate on the harmonisation of GM-free and GMO labelling, since this will the topic of a big conference in Austria on the 9th of November in which IFOAM EU will participate.
To become a member of the Expert group, please fill in this form: by Thursday 7 May. The final composition of the expert group will be decided by the IFOAM EU Board.
For more information, please contact
Join the climate change task force
A new global agreement might be agreed at COP21 in Paris, and the EU is already preparing its new Climate and Energy package, that will set targets for 2030, also for the agriculture sector.
The organic movement has already done a lot to tackle climate change, but it is time to be more active and more visible in the EU policy debate. Therefore IFOAM EU creates a new Task Force on Climate Change. The first task will be to respond before 18 June to the European Commission consultation on how to integrate the emissions from Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) in the 2030 climate legislative framework (see the short backgrounder article).
Later in the year a paper will be produced to argue for a meaningful inclusion of agriculture in the European mitigation targets for 2030.
To become a member of the Task Force, please fill in this form ( by Thursday 7 May. The final composition of the task force will be decided by the IFOAM EU Board.
For more information, please contact
Important documents:
Terms of reference - Task Force on Climate Change
Terms of reference - Expert Group "GMOs"
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