New report from SUSTAINGAS: Best practice examples on organic biogas production in EU
Biogas is an important renewable energy vector with impressive growth and installation rates in the EU. However, production of biogas from organic farms has not yet been sufficiently exploited. The European project SUSTAINGAS responds to the current lack of information on biogas produced in organic farms.

The project SUSTAINGAS aims at promoting sustainable biogas supply by positioning sustainable biogas products from organic farming. Nine partners from seven European countries are contributing to reach these objectives. One of the Sustaingas project contributions to this aim is to present Best Practice Examples, which have been carried out in different European countries within the field of organic biogas production in organic farming.
The project has made a report, which includes a compilation of examples from seven countries across the European Union, selected by technical criteria but also having in mind the interest for farmers with different status of organic farming and biogas facilities development in their countries. The best cases examples selected contain an homogeneous structure and information, and are presented in a comparable easy-to-read template.