BERAS conference on ecological recycling agriculture
The knowledge and research network BERAS International brings the climate impact of the food production into focus at the conference “Soils and the Food We Eat” 20th of May in Järna, Sweden.

2015 has been declared the International Year of Soils by the 68th UN General Assembly. According to several reports, food - in the entire chain from field to fork - is accountable for 30-50% of the global warming.
The research and knowledge network BERAS International will draw attention to this fact on the conference “Soils and the Food We Eat”, which takes place in Sweden, Ytterjärna 20th of May 2015. It is a 3-day conference about soils and food as a tool to combat environmental challenges on a local, regional and global scale.
The organisers invite scientists, farmers, politicians, civil servants and advisors to discuss how a sustainable food production based on local and renewable resources can address both climate issues and other environmental problems.
Among others, the speakers at the conference are Gunnar Rundgren, co-author of the UN-report “"Wake up before it is too late – make agriculture truly sustainable now for food security in a changing climate" and dr. Arthur Granstedt, Ecological Regenerative Agriculture.
Dr. S. Natarajan and Dr. K. Perumal from India and Dr. César López from the Dominican Republic are also speakers at the conference, under the headline: ”Diet for a green planet”.
BERAS International is an independent institute, founded in 2014, working with research, development and implementation in concepts regarding organic agriculture and sustainable food. BERAS develops and implements practical examples where research, innovation and entrepreneurship from a multi sectorial engagement flow into realistic fully integrated ecological alternatives for the whole food chain from farmer to consumer.