Swedish scientists debate organic farming
One hundred percent organic farming would be a disaster for future food security and pressure the environment at a high cost.

One hundred percent organic farming would be a disaster for future food security and pressure the environment at a high cost.
The argument is given in an opinion piece in the swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet by four researchers related to the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The article has caused quite a lot of debate in the northern country, and other researchers from the same university countercharge their colleagues.
"They make a rough and inaccurate simplification," Maria Wivstad, director of SLU's Centre for organic food and farming says to the sweedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter.
Not only researchers participate in the debate - at the debate forum of Svenska Dagbladet there is a hot debate going on between people arguing for either organic or conventional, and
at a third sweedish newspaper, Sydsvenskan, Eva Salomon, researcher at EPOK (Centre for Organic Food and Farming) answers questions about organic.