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The European Commission has decided that 25% of the EU’s farmland should be organic by 2030. Research, innovation and knowledge sharing are key…
The concept of 'land-sharing' aims to provide more space for nature in cultivated areas. In return, the biodiversity will help increase our…
ICROFS is pleased to announce new funding under the Organic RDD research and development programme in cooperation with GUDP.
The CORE Organic project SureVeg has shown that manure can be replaced by a combination of compost and plant-based fertilizers without compromising…
The research project BIOACT aims at developing a solution which reduces, or entirely removes, the need of medical treatment against parasites in hens.
May 2022 ICROFS received a total of 25 applications with a total applied amount of 141 mill. DKK. for the Danish organic research program ‘’Organic…
During March, ICROFS expects to be able to offer new funding under the Organic RDD research- and development programme in cooperation with GUDP. On EU…
Based on ultra-modern Nordic technology and inspiration from Middle Eastern traditions, the project partners of BOOST will redeem the potentials of…
ICROFS wishes Ilse Ankjær Rasmussen all the best for her future retirement, and would like to thank her for a rewarding cooperation as well as for the…
Two new organic projects at Aarhus University, Foulum focus on sustainable slaughter pig production with 100% locally produced feed as well as meat…
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