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With the first EURAKNOS KIP (Knowledge innovation panel: experts, researchers, farmers, other stakeholders) meeting in Budapest, the Consortium…
The CORE Organic - Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems - is an ERA-NET established in 2004. It…
The ERA-NETs SUSFOOD2 and CORE Organic Cofund launch a Joint Call for transnational research within the area of sustainable food systems.
The conference intends to answer the following question: How can research contribute to bridge the current gap between Africa and Europe, with respect…
The first call for contribution for the Organic World Congress 2020 is now open. New deadline for contribution of abstracts: 21 October 2019
Now more than 65% of thematic network interviews have been performed, EURAKNOS partners planned activities to connect thematic networks and power up…
"The Organic Center" is partnering with the "USDA", "FiBL", "ISOFAR", and "The Climate Collaborative" for their annual Organic Confluences Conference…
There is an urgent need for change of food systems on land and sea to contribute to a sustainable future. In order to support Research and Innovation…
On the 3rd and 4th of December TP Organics’ "Organic Innovation Days 2019" will be held in Brussels.
When a drought hits, there is often still water in the deeper soil. If crops have deep roots, they can access this water. Chicory is such a crop, and…
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