ICROFS' board members

The board of ICROFS until 2025 consists of 13 members, appointed by Denmark’s Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. The chairperson is appointed without prior recommendation. The remaining 12 members are selected by prior recommendations from institutions and organizations in the organic sector.

Chairman of the Board

•    Jørn Jespersen, Owner of JJ Advice

Board members

Recommended by Organic Denmark

•    Kim Qvist, Director at DØJ - Danmarks Økologiske Jordbrugsfond
•    Lotte Ravn Lei, Owner of Hvidløg & Vin

Recommended by The Danish Agriculture & Food Council

•    Lars Holdensen, Senior Consultant at the Danish Agriculture & Food Council
•    Lene Fløe Møller, Dairy farmer and Board Member at Økologisektionen (the organic section of the Danish Agriculture & Food Council)

Recommended by The Association for Biodynamic Agriculture

•    Klaus Loehr-Petersen, Project Manager at The Association for Biodynamic Agriculture

Recommended by The Innovation Centre for Organic Farming

•    Kirsten Holst Sørensen, CEO at The Innovation Centre for Organic Farming

Recommended by The Confederation of Danish Industry

•    Hanne Bengaard, Senior Consultant at The Confederation of Danish Industry

Recommended by The Danish Consumer Council

•    Simme Eriksen, Team leader of Organic Livestock Production at The Innovation Centre for Organic Farming

Recommended by Independent Research Fund Denmark

•    Tommy Dalgaard, Professor and Section Manager at The Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University

Recommended by Aarhus University

•    Klaus Lønne Ingvartsen, Senior Researcher at The Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University

Recommended by University of Copenhagen

•    Frederik van der Bom, Tenure Track, Assitsant Professor, University of Copenhagen

Recommended by DTU - Technical University of Denmark

•    Anne Dahl Lassen, Senior Researcher at the National Food Institute, DTU - Technical University of Denmark


•    Gry Helberg Jensen, The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries