Organic RDD 8

In May 2022, ICROFS received a total of 25 applications for a total requested amount of DKK 141 million for the Danish Organic Research Programme, Organic RDD 8, which is coordinated in collaboration with The Danish Agricultural Agency. The Organic RDD 8 funding pool is a total of DKK 50 million.

Nine projects have been selected within climate, environment, biodiversity, animal welfare and human health and deal with:

  • ants as pest controllers in orchards (AntFarm)
  • production of live feed for organic aquaculture (ORACLE-FISH)
  • breeding for Natural Behavior in Organic Pig Production for the Benefit of Animal Welfare, Climate, and Environment (WelBredPOrg)
  • development of lysine norms specifically for organic pigs (ORIGIN)
  • development of cattle breeding program that is better adapted to organic production systems and consumer preferences (Ø-KO-BREEDING)
  • cattle seed rotation trials with a focus on increasing yield and forage quality as well as determining the aftereffect of clover grass and grassland mixtures with herbs (GrassRotate)
  • plant extracts for the treatment of parasites in organic poultry (BIOACT)
  • the effect of biological agents on potato blight and storage diseases that impair the appearance and the level and quality of starch in starch potatoes (SROPP)
  • establishment of a concept that supports an organic, sustainable, plant-rich and healthy diet (OnePlate)