The Organic RDD 2.2 programme is coordinated by ICROFS (International Centre for Research in Organic Food systems). It is funded by the Green Development and Demonstration Programme under the Ministry of Environment and Food.
Organic RDD 2.2 began in January 2016 and is a two-year programme.
The purpose of the project is to quantitatively examine the Danish consumers’ expectations regarding the geographical aspects when it comes to organic food, and to identify the opportunities to activate the market potentials for geographically differentiated organic products.
Project leader: Jørgen Dejgård Jensen, IFRO, University of Copenhagen
The MAFFRA project will investigate the possibility of developing new multi-component, plant-based remedies against gastro-intestinal problems in pigs. The focus of the project is to develop an antibacterial feed additive as replacement for antibiotics, zinc and copper.
Project leader: Martin Jensen, Aarhus University, FOOD
In organic apple production, the winter moth and apple scab are hard to fight with existing methods. In MothStop, ants will be moved from the woods into the apple orchards. MothStop expects the ants to establish in the orchards and eat the larvae so that the outcome of apples can be increased.
Project leader: Joachim Offenberg, Bioscience, Aarhus University.
The project is going to develop a model for commercial growth of interesting vegetable varieties with distinctive qualities. The project focuses on old varieties like cabbage, beet roots and spinach.
Project leader: Birte Boelt, AGRO, Aarhus University
The overall goal of the project is to investigate the extent to which wider consumption of organic foods would lead to a general increase in consumers’ observance of dietary guidelines in Denmark.
Project leader: Peter Sandøe, IFRO, University of Copenhagen
The purpose of the project ‘Sustainable Organic Market Development with International Trade (SOMDWIT) is to gain a stronger foundation for the export strategy of the Danish organic sector.
Project leader: John Thøgersen, Aarhus University, MAPP
The purpose of the project is to develop best management practice and a strategy based on new methods and recommendations to reach a lower incidence of diarrhea in the first six weeks of life, so that more calf lives can be saved.
Project leader: Jan Tind Sørensen, ANIS, Aarhus University