New report on organic protein availability and demand
The aim of the study, ICOPP, was to assess feed availability and demand throughout the countries of the ICOPP project and Europe. The self-sufficiency regarding organic feed for monogastrics has been calculated for each of the countries participating in the project.

Developing sustainable 100% organic feed strategies for pigs and poultry
The CORE Organic II project, ICOPP, was initiated to suggest economically viable feeding strategies based on 100 % organic feed across Europe, to supply poultry and pigs with the required level of nutrients in different phases of production, while being economically and environmentally sustainable.
About the report
The existing literature and relevant statistical data on organic feed has been compiled in a report written by FiBL-experts in order to evaluate the availability of feeds across Europe.
Information sources for protein contents of key crops, as well as existing data on the protein demands of pigs and poultry for the feeding calculations have been investigated. Based on these data, the balance between feed supply and feed demand was calculated in terms of dry matter, energy, crude protein and essential amino acids.
Demand for crude protein by livestock species in the ICOPP countries. Source: FiBL
ICOPP is the acronym of the project ”Improved Contribution of local feed to support 100 % Organic feed supply to Pigs and Poultry,” which ran from 2011 to 2014.
It was funded through the European CORE Organic II ERA-net programme to support organic research, and led by Aarhus University in Denmark with 13 partners from 10 EU countries.
More Information
- Barbara Früh, FiBL Switzerland
- Bernhard Schlatter, FiBL Switzerland
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The "Report on organic protein availability and demand in Europe" is available in the FiBL-Shop.