New article on the use of organic pineapple by-products in livestock feed
The article describes the findings done on laboratory scale of how wilting organic pineapple by-products and Jack Bean foliage inclusion affects silage ensilability and nutritive value.

A paper on Effect of wilting organic pineapple by-products and jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) foliage inclusion on silage fermentation and its nutritive value by Muhammad Kiggundu and Frederick Kabi, both from Dept. of Agricultural Production, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, has recently been published in Animal Feed Science and Technology (Volume 258, December 2019). The paper is partly based on Dr. Kiggundu’s PhD research that he undertook in the project Productivity and Growth in Organic Value Chains (ProGrOV) ( – a collaborative project between universities in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Denmark, coordinated by ICROFS and funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The article describes the findings done on laboratory scale of how wilting organic pineapple by-products and Jack Bean foliage inclusion affects silage ensilability and nutritive value. The article can be found in a full length online version here.