Digital tools for farmers – recommendations from OK-Net Arable
On you find solutions and tools that are divided according to the most relevant topics in organic arable farming: Soil quality and fertility, nutrient management, pest and disease control, weed management and solutions for specific crops.

The platform is a product of the EU funded OK-Net Arable project, of which ICROFS is a partner.
You can find the latest recommendations of tools below:
Black-grass control in winter cereals with hoeing
Thanks to the use of the bladed hoe, strong-rooting grass weeds can be successfully uprooted even in heavier soils.
Check this Practice Abstract or for more info
NDICEA - Nitrogen Planer
- A useful tool for understanding nitrogen dynamics in organic rotations
During the growing season, the model compares net available nitrogen from manures, crop residues, green manures, additional fertilisers and the soil, with the crop specific demand on a daily basis.
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No-till cultivation of maize in rolled forage peas
- No-till processes are soil-conserving, but highly challenging in organic farming
Find recommendations in this summary for the European maize-cultivation areas with soils that are not too heavy.
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Weed Cutter CombCut in Use -
Get rid of your thistles and black grass using this weed cutter!
The weed cutter CombCut is a new type of machine that a Swedish organic farmer has developed against thistles in cereals. The video shows that the use of the CombCut may be successful in particular situations.
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Catch crop in maize
- Maize is vulnerable to erosion. Use this technique of catch cropping to reduce soil erosion. offers further practical information on soil-covering techniques in general, as well as on catch crops in particular.
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Demonstration of Hoeing Machines in Arable Farming
- Listen to experienced farmers from Switzerland and find a suitable hoeing machine!
The video presents different hoeing devices for various conditions.
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Reducing weed seed pressure with the false seedbed technique
- Grow the weeds, then grow the crop
This technique allows the weeds to germinate first to then control them repeatedly before sowing the actual crop.
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The Muencheberg Soil Quality Rating (SQR)
Field manual for detecting and assessing soil properties and limitation
The Muencheberg Soil Quality Rating (M-SQR) is a simple and fast semi-quantitative method, which can be used by farmers and advisors.
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Testing peas for legume fatigue
- Over-cultivation of legumes might result in soil-borne pathogens
Use this test to easily examine soils for symptoms.
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