29.5 million DKK available for organic research and development
Invitation of applications for funding under The Organic Research, Development and Demonstration Programme (Organic RDD) 5.

The board of the Green Development and Demonstration Programme (GUDP) invites applications for funding of projects which carry out research and development and/or demonstration in relation to business-oriented innovation within the Danish organic food sector by means of a green conversion. The projects must support both green as well as financial sustainability.
The call covers applications for research projects including development and/or demonstration, and the individual projects may apply for a total grant of 0.25 to 6 million DKK.
Overall financial frame
A total funding of up to 29.5 million DKK is available. At least 80 percent of the funding is earmarked for projects with a business plan, cf. GUDP’s principles. However, up to 20 percent of the funding may be used for projects focusing on the contribution of organic farming to the public goods (without a business plan). The final distribution of funds will depend on the quality of the applications.
Formal requirements
In order for an application to be considered for funding, the application deadline and the formal requirements described in the present call and the guidelines must be met, see below. Important information related to the call Deadline for applications is Tuesday 21 May 2019 at 12.00 Applications must be received no later than 12:00. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered, regardless of the time they were submitted. Please be aware that you may experience a delay from the time the application
Application forms and guidelines
The application forms and the guidelines for filling in the application forms can be found at GUDP’s website under ”Ansøgningsmateriale” -> ”Indkaldelse, vejledning og ansøgningsmateriale” (“Application material” -> “Call, guidelines and forms”).
We kindly urge you to read through this call as well as the Guidelines for filling in the application material for Organic RDD 5 as well as the strategy of the GUDP Board 2019-2022 before preparing an application. Furthermore, we recommend that you take a look at the instructions on payment of grants under GUDP, which you will find on GUDP’s website as well as the instructions on reimbursement of grants before you submit your application.
This call has been prepared by the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, the GUDP secretariat and ICROFS