ROADMAP © is an EU project with 17 partners from different countries in and outside the EU, and is financed by the European Commission under Horizon-2020, which is the EU's framework program for Research and Innovation. The project began on 1 June 2019 and will end after 4 years (30 May 2023). In Denmark, the project is carried out by researchers from the Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University and ICROFS (International Center for Research in Organic Food Systems) and is led by Senior Researcher Mette Vaarst.
The overall aim of the project is to promote change processes towards a more responsible use of antibiotics in livestock production to avoid problems with antibiotic resistance. It is a multidisciplinary project with contributions from sociology, economics and animal and veterinary science. The project aims to achieve a reduced consumption of antibiotics by strengthening decision-making systems throughout the value chain. ROADMAP focuses on supporting animal health and animal welfare via prevention and health promotion measures.
A large part of the ROAPMAP project is based on participant-driven innovation. In this connection, we have established two so-called "Living Labs" in Denmark - one for cattle and one for pigs. Here, actors from the entire sector jointly prepare and test new strategies to reduce the consumption of antibiotics in an effective and constructive way. The laboratories will be facilitated by the project's researchers, but driven by the wishes and commitment of the participants.
(Grant Agreement 817626®) is led by Dr Nicolas Fortané from INRAE ©French National Institute for Agricultural Research®. The name ROADMAP stands for "Rethinking Of Antimicrobial Decision-systems in the Management of Animal Production".