EURAKNOS wanted to strengthen the EU agricultural knowledge base by co-creating « the network to connect allthematic networks », to explore the feasibility of creating a modular database of useful findings from variousthematic networks.
SOLID was a European project on Sustainable Organic and Low Input Dairying financed by the European Union.The project aimed to improve the technical performance and economic competitiveness of organic and lowinput dairy systems in Europe, while maximising their potential to deliver environmental goods and enhance biodiversity.
OrAqua står for Organic Aquaculture og det tre-årige EU-projekt understøttede den europæiske akvakultur ved at komme med anbefalinger til en forbedring af EU-lovgivningen på området, administrative sagsakter og en plan for policy implementering
ICROFS was involved in the EU FP7 research project, Transparent_Food. This project aimed at "contributing to the development of transparency in the sector by supporting understanding of its complexities, identifying the present state-of-the-art, learning from experiences, making stakeholders aware, specifying deficiencies and research needs, and formulating a research framework for facilitating future research initiatives”.
OK-Net EcoFeed is coordinated by IFOAM EU and involves 19 partners from 11 countries throughout Europe. OK-Net EcoFeed will work with farmers, breeders and the organic feed industry to make practical solutions available to improve the use of organic and regional feed.
The overall aim of the thematic network ‘OK-Net Arable’ is to improve the exchange of innovative and traditional knowledge among farmers, farm advisers and scientists to increase productivity and quality in organic arable cropping all over Europe, in order to satisfy future market demand.
The EU FP7 research project, VOA3R, Virtual Open Access Agriculture & Aquaculture Repository, was about sharing scientific and scholarly research related to agriculture, food, and environment.
The VOA3R platform aims at re-using existing and mature metadata and semantics technology to deploy an advanced, community-focused integrated service for the retrieval of relevant open content and data that includes explicit models of the scholarly methods and procedures used and of the practical tasks targeted by applied research.
QualityLowInputFood (QLIF) var et stort, integreret forskningsprojekt under FP6. Det løb i fem år i perioden fra 2004 til 2009. Projektet involverede 31 europæiske partnere inden for forskellige forskningsdiscipliner. Det overordnede formål med projektet var at forbedre kvaliteten og sikkerheden og formindske udgifterne i økologiske og lav-input produktionssystemer.
Research project, "Economic Analysis of Certification Systems for Organic Food and Farming" (CERTCOST) The main objective of the project was to generate research-based recommendations to relevant stakeholders on how to improve the organic food certification system in terms of efficiency, transparency and cost effectiveness.
“Harmonised and Standardised Procedures for Evaluation of Plant Protection Products, Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners for Use in Organic Agriculture” The objective of the project was to develop recommendations for harmonization and standardization of procedures for evaluation of plant protection products, fertilizers and soil conditioners for use in organic agriculture according to the Council Regulation EEC No. 2092/91.ICROFS (formerly DARCOF) was the administrative coordinator of the project.
Research to Support Revision of the EU Regulation on Organic Agriculture (EEC 2092/91 Revision) var et strategisk forskningsprojekt under FP6. Det 3-årige projekt blev udført i perioden 2004 til 2007 og involverede ni partnere fra ni lande.
ICROFS (tidligere DARCOF) var koordinator på projektet, der havde som overordnet formål at give forskningsbaserede anbefalinger til brug for revisionen af EU’s forordning vedr. økologisk jordbrug, EEC Forordning no. 2092/91.
“European Information System for Organic Markets” (EISfOM).The aim of the project was to build up a framework for reporting valid and reliable data for relevant production and market data about the European organic sector in order to meet the needs of policy makers, farmers, processors, wholesalers and other actors involved in organic markets.
“Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming” (SAFO) .The main objective of the project was to improve food safety and sustaining animal health in organic farming in existing member states and candidate member countries of the European Union through exchange and active communication of research results and conclusions between researchers, policy makers, farmers and the wider stakeholder community including consumers.