ICROFS' secretariat

The secretariat supports the organic development

The ICROFS' secretariat supports the important work of developing the organic sector for the benefit of producers, consumers and export companies. The staff in the secretariat have a broad palette of professional skills in the field of plant breeding, livestock farming, humanities, languages, communication and journalism. In addition, several of the employees have several years of experience in research within their field of expertise and extensive experience in developing agricultural and food systems with a particular focus on the organic sector.

The team has extensive experience in gathering consortia of relevant research partners for the preparation of applications for project management and further for implementation and communication of the projects. Therefore, it is entirely natural for the secretariat to offer the following services:

  • Project management and coordination of Danish and international projects
  • Administration, including budget management and coordination of international projects with special focus on projects financed by EU funds, such as Horizon2020
  • Evaluation and monitoring of project progress
  • Professional insight and contribution to the preparation of project applications, Danish as well as international, including applications for Horizon2020 and private funds
  • Communication, including dissemination and dissemination of projects and knowledge throughout the project process and using digital media, SoMe, academic and popular science media and news media.
  • Help to achieve a multi-actor approach in projects and help strengthen academic research and experience networks.

Centre management and administration

Work areas:

  • Daily management  
  • Coordinating research programmes 

Work areas:

  • Supporting the center management, the board and the secretariat's employees
  • Translation, proofreading and language revision
  • Contribution to application materials, administration and support of the Organic RDD research programme
  • Project support
  • Organic Eprint's editor
  • Editing and publication of research reports
  • Planning and coordination of meetings
  • Administrative tasks incl. system support

Research and development

Work areas:

  • Coordinating the ERA-Net CORE Organic Cofund Programme
  • Administration, budget management and monitorering of the CORE Organic Cofund
  • Reseach activities in the project CSA ALL-Ready
  • Professionel insight and contributing to the preparation of project applications 
  • Link to relevant stakeholder organisations 

Work areas:

  • Monitoring and evaluating national projects under the Organic RDD-programmes
  • Work Package management in relation to international projects 
  • Planning and executing events for researchers and users of research 
  • Contribute to the completion of project applications, danish as well as international applications
  • Contribute to obtain a ’multi-actor approach’ in the projects and helps to strenght the technical reserach and experience network.  

Work areas:

  • Coordinator of the Organic RDD programme
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the national projects under the RDD programme
  • Responsible for the Organic Eprints database
  • Participation in international projects
  • Monitoring and evaluation of international projects under the Core Organic Third Call 
  • Contribution to the preparation of project applications
  • Contribution to public sector consultancy 

Anna Kirkegaard Vaarst

Member of Administrative Staff

Communication, dissemination and press

Work areas:

  • Planning and promoting events for researchers and users of research
  • Journalistic writing, including articles and press releases
  • Video production and layout in relation to publications, leaflets and advertisements
  • Website production, SoMe and newsletters
  • Communication and dissemination tasks in relation to the Danish research program Organic RDD
    • Monitoring, support and evaluation of communication and dissemination activities in Organic RDD projects
    • Make potential project applicants aware of the research programme
  • Work package leader and task leader with responsibility for communication and dissemination in international research programmes
  • Completing project applications

On maternity leave:

Work areas:

  • Coordination and administration of the CORE Organic Pleiades network
  • Ongoing maintenance and development of Organic Eprints
  • Participation in different EU-projects
  • Contributions to applications for international project and partnerships