Knowledge Syntheses

Since 1998, ICROFS/FØJO has published 18 knowledge syntheses about key areas within organic farming and food systems

Knowledge syntheses

Knowledge syntheses play an important role in the development and the communication of research taking place in ICROFS. A knowledge synthesis can be a useful tool in the preparation of new research projects, in clarifying particular problems, and for creating a more comprehensive, overall perspective on a specific subject, which draws on both the available scientific knowledge and practical experience.

Knowledge syntheses 2015

In close cooperation with ICROFS, a wide range of Danish scientists published a knowledge synthesis in September 2015. 

The purpose of the knowledge synsthesis was to analyse, discuss and synthesise the existing knowledge on the organic contribution to society on themes such as biodiversity, animal welfare, human health and environment.

The conclusions of the knowledge synthesis  are summarised in:
"The Contribution of Organic Farming to Publich Goods in Denmark" 

18 knowledge syntheses from ICROFS so far

> Go to Knowledge Synthesis 2008: "Development, growth, and integrity in the Danish organic sector - A knowledge synthesis on the opportunities and barriers for a continued development and market-based growth in production, processing, and sale of organic products"

Since 1998, ICROFS has carried out eighteen knowledge syntheses on key issues in organic farming and food systems (only available in Danish):

  • the market for organic products 2023 - drivers and barriers for growth
  • nutrient supply and recirculation in organic production
  • perspectivation of the analysis of the market, nutrient supply and recirculation, and green proteins to feed and food
  • professional guide for organic plant breeders
  • nitrogen leaching and balances in conventional and organic production systems
  • health and welfare in organic milk production
  • opportunities and barriers in organic pig production
  • nature quality in organic agriculture
  • groundwater protection and organic conversion
  • organic food and human health
  • breeding of grain and pulses and production of seed in organic agriculture
  • consequences of genetically modified crops for organic agriculture
  • reduction of fossil energy use and production of renewable energy in organic agriculture
  • opportunities for organic fish production in Denmark
  • challenges and prospects in the global development of organic agriculture
  • opportunities and barriers for continued development, growth and integrity in the Danish organic sector (2008)