ICROFS is a ”centre without walls”, which initiates and coordinates research, while the actual research is performed by different research institutions. A board with 13 members, who is representing the industry, the consumers and the research landscape, outlines the direction and goals for ICROFS’ work. Our activities is being implemented by a secretariat manned by a centre leader as well as academic staff and communication officers.
Research and development must create a basis for vocational and practice-oriented knowledge, which is supporting future growth and credibility. The need for knowledge and new methods in the organic industry therefore form the basis of ICROFS’ activities. We involve famers, councillors and companies involved in research and development projects, which helps to ensure a short path between new knowledge and its implementation in practice.
On behalf of GUDP, Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, ICROFS is coordinating the national research programmes concerning organic farming and food systems (The Organic RDD-programmes). The last 15 years ICROFS has also been coordinating the European research network, CORE Organic, which at present implicates 26 partners from 19 countries. Both the Danish program as well as the international collaborations secures Denmark a strong position in the lead of organic research to the benefit of developing organic farming and food systems in Denmark.
ICROFS’ secretariat contributes actively to the development of the organic sector in Denmark by initiating and taking part in different externally financed research projects both nationally and internationally. In such projects, ICROFS is often responsible for coordination, execution, communication, dissemination of research results and involvement of organic farmers, councillors and companies.
The many activities which takes place at the centre is managed by a board selected by the Minister for the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark